Please convo with us for any clarification on "Local Pick-Up" items. Musica Anni 80 : ricordi con Sandy Marton ed Eros Ramazzotti. If the buyer chooses to hire a company to pick up the item from us we can work with them, but we will not be held responsible for any damages. Find Sandra Martons contact information, age, background check, white pages, phone numbers. di cuola A1018ullalla A1019gli anni 80 A1020sotto il segno dei. The order will be cancelled if you required we ship item and a 15% re-listing fee will be charged as our listing will clearly state: 'Local Pick-up Only - "We do not ship". 2 - music inspired by tupacs poetry 043the way he wanted it volume 2 044pacs.

If you purchased an item that requires a "Local Pick-Up Only" this indicates that we do not ship items and you will be responsible for picking up the item. We charge a 15% re-listing fee for large furniture items on "Pick UP Only" listings. If item is return damaged and not in the original condition as shipped, we will not provide any refund. + The Eighties Live + Im an 80s kid and still love the retro dance/club music from mostly the late eighties 86-89) and early nineties as thats when I was old enough to finally venture out and see the wonders that awaited me at the clubs of the day. We charge a 15% re-listing fee for items that are returned. Please do this before posting any negative or neutral feedback. However, if after receiving your purchase you have any problems or concerns please let me know ASAP so I can work with you to make things right. Inizialmente, Oliver Huntemann è stato fortemente influenzato dalla massiccia ondata nordamericana giovanile che ha attraversato lEuropa alla fine degli anni 70, con generi artistici. We make every attempt to disclose any obvious signs of wear or flaws. Cresciuto a Oldenburg, nel nord della Germania, Oliver Huntemann si è interessato alla musica contemporanea in tenera età.Ha iniziato a registrare programmi radiofonici e ad usare il giradischi.

We try to describe every item honestly and thoroughly. We want you to be happy with your purchases. Customer service is very important to us.