Auto-Eat – Automatically eats when you’re hungry. Auto-Disconnect – Automatically leaves a server when your health is low. Auto-Armor – Automatically puts on the best armor. Armor-Hud – Draws your current armor above your hotbar. Anti-Slowdown – Prevents slowdown on soul-sand, webs and eating/using a bow. Anti-Slipperiness – Removes slipperiness effect from blocks like ice. Anti-Knockback – Prevents knockback from other players and explosions. Anti-Blind – Removes effects such as nausea. Anti-AFK – Walks around randomly to prevent you from being kicked. Annoy – Repeats messages sent by a player. Active-Mods – Displays your active mods on screen. Solution: You need J2SE 8 to run this client – J2SE 8 (Java SE Developer Kit 8u74). Problem: Exception in thread “main” : net/minecraft/client/main/Main : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0 (or a number below 52.0). To send chat to Aristois’s built-in IRC instead of the server, start your message with the pound key (#). Type “.setbind” in chat – bind mods to keys (or middle-click on a mod in the GUI). Type “.help” in chat – List of commands (the server cannot see these). Right Shift – GUI (left-clicking on mods toggles them). Once the files are extracted, run the installation script in order to be guided through the installation process.
1.12.2 hack client how to#
The download also includes an automated installation script with instructions on how to use the client.
It contains over a hundred unique features, including in-game client commands and IRC chat functionality. The Aristois hacked client is the first client released for Minecraft 1.12 as well as the first one confirmed to be working with the current version of Realms.